SourceWeb CopyProof


Protect your copyright

Copyright arises automatically when a work reaches a so-called intellectual level of creation. The work can be a text, a picture, a piece of music, a video, a computer program, a business idea expressed in words and pictures and many other things.

Because copyright is not entered in a register, as is the case with trademarks and patents, it can be difficult or even impossible to prove authorship.

If another person or company uses your work unlawfully, you must prove authorship. You must prove that the work was already in your possession before this other person.

SourceWeb CopyProof makes this easy and inexpensive.

How it works

Simply upload your work with just a few clicks. The files are of course transferred and stored in a highly encrypted format.

You will then receive a certificate on which you are identified as the author with the time stamp of the upload. The certificate also contains checksums and the key to the uploaded file. This allows you to prove that you hold the copyright to the file at any time in case of doubt.

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